Aviacontractor Logo


  1. WHO WE ARE?

    1. Aviacontractor is a platform (further - the Aviacontractor or the Platform) designed to connect professionals looking for the self-employed/independent work in aviation sector (further – the Contractors) with airlines or maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) companies searching for self-employed/independent workers (further – the Companies).

    2. The Platform will be operated, and the Platform services will be provided by UAB “Aviacontractor”, legal entity code 305652529, registered office address V. Nagevičiaus g. 3, LT-08237 Vilnius, Lithuania (further - we or the Platform Owner). You may contact us using the following contact information:

Email address: info@aviacontractor.com
Address: V. Nagevičiaus g. 3, LT-08237 Vilnius, Lithuania

  1. Why Aviacontractor is a platform? “Platform” means that: (a) having logged in to Aviacontractor and having an account with Aviacontractor, any Contractor can view the Companies’ adverts and send their details to the Companies or wait to be contacted by the Company, and (b) having signed up to the Platform and having concluded an agreement with Aviacontractor, any Company can place job adverts, view the Contractors matching the eligibility criteria set by the Company, and communicate with those Contractors, as well as to conclude work contracts with the chosen Contractor (further – the Contract).

  2. The Platform is not a provider of recruitment services. We provide the services of the Platform, i.e., acting as the Company's commercial agent, we enable the Companies to offer available Contracts, and conclude Contracts with one or more Contractors. In accordance with the procedure agreed with the Companies the Platform also collects the payments from the Companies for the work done and transfers the payments to the Contractors on behalf of the Companies. The Platform itself does not either submit any Contract offers, check the Companies’ Contract offers and their compliance with legal requirements before they are published or edit such Contract offers or hire Contractors. However, if you notice that any information provided on the Platform violates your rights or legitimate interests, please notify us by e-mail specified in these Terms.

  3. We process the data you provide to us for the purposes and in accordance with procedure described in the Privacy Policy.


    1. These Terms & Conditions (further - the Terms) constitute an agreement between us (the Platform Owner) and you under which we will enable you to become a user of the Platform either as a Contractor or a Company. Once the Company has confirmed the Contractor’s application for the Contracts, these Terms will also form part of the work contract between the Contractor and the Company.

    2. The services of the Platform are exclusively B2B services. You have the right to use the Platform and / or conclude the Contract only if you are acting within the scope of an economic (business) activity, are able to enter into a binding agreement with the Platform Owner and the Company in accordance with applicable law, and only if you comply with these Terms and applicable law.


    1. To apply for a Contract or submit a Contract offer, you will be asked to create a Contractor or Company account on the Platform (further - the Account).

    2. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your Account, and you must ensure the security of your login data, passwords or other data that may be used to access your Account. However, if you notice any unauthorized use of your Account, please contact us immediately.

    3. You may change data in your Account, add or remove your photo at your own discretion. When entering data or uploading a photo, you must ensure that by doing so you do not infringe the rights and/or legitimate interests of third parties and/or legal requirements (for example, upload only your photo or another photo or image only if you have authority to do so).


    1. To create an Account, the Contractor will be asked to provide accurate and complete information about themselves or a legal entity (if the Contractor is a legal entity), and to agree to these Terms and the Privacy Policy.

    2. The Platform does not edit the information provided by the Contractor and does not verify its correctness or compliance with legal requirements. The Contractor will confirm that they place the final/last version of their CV and/or any other documents (e.g. certificates) on the Platform and will accept responsibility for the accuracy and for keeping all information up to date.

    3. Upon provision by the Contractor of the requested information in full, they will see all the Companies’ adverts on the Platform for which they are eligible, and which conform to the Contractor’s requirements (such as a position, workplace, salary).

    4. The Contractor may edit, update, add information about themself on the Account.

    5. The Contractor will receive notices from the Companies in their Account, see information and statistics on applications submitted to the Companies.

    6. The history of all Contracts concluded, as well as current Contract information shall be available on the Platform under the “My Jobs” section.

    7. The Contractor may close their Account at any time. The Platform may close the Contractor Account after 24 months of inactivity.


    1. To become a user of the Platform as the Company, you need to conclude a Company Agreement, provide accurate and complete information about the Company you represent, read these Terms and the Privacy Policy.

    2. For use of the Platform, the Company will be charged fees indicated in the Company Agreement to be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions specified therein.

    3. Access to the Company Account on the Platform may be granted to more than one representative of the Company. The Account created by the Company at the time of signing up have admin rights and may be accessed by several representatives of the Company with ordinary rights.

    4. The Company may place Contract offers on the Platform, communicate with the Contractors, conclude the Contract with chosen Contractor.

    5. The Company may edit the Company Account information (profile) and posted Contract offers.

    6. The Company may view correspondence with the Contractors, information about selection processes (ongoing, completed), Contracts concluded, time sheets of the hired Contractors, as well as payment history in the Company Account.

    7. The Company may close the Company Account in accordance with the Company Agreement.


    1. The Contractor is obliged to make sure that the particular Contract offer meets their skills, competencies, abilities and needs before applying.

    2. While applying for the Contract the Contractor will have to enter the information necessary for the conclusion of the Contract selected. The Contractor shall make sure that the submitted information is correct and that the Contract they apply for comply with their wishes and abilities. If the Contract offer the Contractor has chosen to apply for requires submission of additional information and/or documents (e. g. regarding any qualification, experience, etc.), the Contractor shall carefully submit all necessary information.

    3. The payment rates for the work done indicated in the Contract offers are gross rates (i. e. before tax), therefore, the Contractor is responsible for registering as taxpayer, declaring and paying their own national insurance and tax related to the payments received through the Platform. All payment rates at the Platform and in the Contract offers are indicated in Euros.

    4. Upon applying for the Contract, the Contractor’s application (as well as any additional information, if applicable) shall be sent to the particular Company. From the moment the Company chooses the particular Contractor and sends a confirmation by e-mail it will be deemed that the Contract (work contract) has been concluded between the Contractor and the Company (represented by the Platform Owner) under the terms set out in the Contract offer. These Terms will also form a part of the Contract.

    5. The Contractor and the Company may also agree on any additional (non-essential) terms of their Contract using the communication tools the Platform provides. The Contractor and the Company must communicate with respect, not insult each other, and may not place any content in breach of statutory requirements. The Platform does not actively monitor the content of communications between the Contractor and the Company and does not accept responsibility for any illegal or offensive, threatening, discriminatory on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnic origin, content, placed on the Platform. You should notify us at the email given in these Terms of any message that in your belief is in breach of these Terms or applicable laws.


    1. The Contractor is themself responsible for the proper performance of works agreed under the terms of the Contract concluded with the Company. If the works done by the Contractor fail to fully comply with the Contract, the Company shall have the right to request the Contractor to fix any unsatisfactory work free of charge ensuring compliance with the Contract concluded.

    2. Within the terms agreed with the Company in the Contract the Contractor shall fill in the weekly time sheets, which is available in the Contractor Account under the “Time Sheets” section.

    3. The Company shall review and confirm the information provided in the time sheets by its Contractors on a weekly basis.

    4. Based on the information provided and confirmed in the respective time sheet the invoice on behalf of the Contractor will be generated and automatically sent by e-mail to the Company for payment. The invoices are generated on a weekly basis. The Contractor is responsible for specifying the correct details required for invoicing on the Platform. The Company’s details on the Platform are specified by the Company itself when placing a Contract offer or registering on the Platform.

    5. The Platform will transfer the payment for the work done to the Contractor on behalf of the Company not later than within 5 days after receipt of the respective payment from the Company.


    1. The trademarks, logos, the domain name used in the Platform, the Platform itself and the website through which you access the Platform, as well as all individual elements thereof, including texts, photos, drawings and any material on the Platform and website, any page of the website, graphics and design, and all intellectual property rights in them, will remain with and exclusively belong to the Platform Owner and/or other persons.

    2. You agree not to copy, alter, or use otherwise the intellectual property content without the separate written consent of the copyright holder.

    3. You agree not to make any attempts to inspect or verify the vulnerability of any system or network used to provide the Platform services, not to compromise any security or authentication measures, or attempt to decrypt, reverse engineer, disassemble or modify the software or databases used for the operation of the Platform.

    4. You may not use the Platform in a manner that could compromise the proper operation, security, integrity of the Platform or related software, or limit the ability of others to use the Platform.


    1. As the Contracts are concluded solely between the Contractors and the Companies, we accept no responsibility for either suitability of any of the Contractors as candidates to do the work under the Contracts or the quality of work done by the Contractors, or any other Contractors’ activity or performance under the Contracts, as well as for timely payments by the Companies or any other Companies’ performance under the Contract.

    2. All information requested to be provided when using the Platform must be correct and complete.

    3. You are responsible for the security of your username, password or other data that allows you to access your Account on the Platform. However, if you have noticed any unauthorised use of your username or password, contact the Platform Owner immediately.

    4. We accept no responsibility, and do not warrant that the information contained in the Contractor or Company Accounts is correct or up to date. Moreover, the Platform does not guarantee that the Contractor or Company found on the Platform is the most suitable and the best.

    5. We may suspend your Account if we suspect any unauthorised use of your Account or receive relevant instructions from public authorities or court.

    6. We reserve the right to unilaterally, upon 30 (thirty) calendar days’ notice to you, terminate the agreement with you and permanently close (block) your Account if you are found in breach of the Terms and fail to rectify the breach within a reasonable time frame as of the date of our notice.


    1. We may change these Terms from time to time for important reasons (e. g. due to changes in legislation, changes to the operation/functionality of the Platform, etc.). If we change the Terms for any other reason, we will notify you of the change 15 (fifteen) calendar days in advance of the change coming into effect, so that you have time to familiarize yourself with the updated Terms and to decide whether to continue using the Platform or to close your Account. The latest (current) version of the Terms can always be found on the Platform.

    2. We may discontinue (terminate) or suspend the operation of the Platform at any time.


    1. These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

    2. Any disputes, disagreements or claims arising out of or relating to these Terms, or regarding the breach, termination or validity thereof will be settled in Lithuanian courts in accordance with Lithuanian laws.

    3. All notices and other communications related to these Terms will be delivered via email: if to the Platform– at the email address given in these Terms, if to you – at the email address given in your Account.

    4. In the event any provision of these Terms is or becomes invalid, in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions will not be affected.

These Terms were last updated on 25th January 2022.